welcome to MZ BEHIND THE SEAMZ....where the apparel YOU rock helps to save the lives of animals at MOTLEY ZOO animal rescue in redmond, washington. every item benefits one of our rock star rescues, so you can proudly wear your shirt, knowing that you have helped a special animal get a second chance at life.... can your other clothes say the same? rock on, RESCUE on!
Customer Testimonials
behind the seamz
mzbtsmz makes a difference
For those who have loved and rocked Motley Zoo Animal Rescue merch for years, this is our updated online merch shop! It is designed specifically to support animals in need.
Saving animals is our entire purpose for existing!
Every unique design we sell has an animal behind the scenes/seams - one who benefits directly from your purchase.
These are animals you can see for yourself - not some random, generic stock photo. These are animals who rely on Motley Zoo and our supporters for their second chance at life.
Shop our designs, read the animals' stories - and help save lives. Does your shirt rock rescue?!

We even do PRINT for HIRE!
Do you have shirts you need printed for your business, club, group, etc.? We've got you covered. E-mail us at orders@mzbehindtheseamz.com to discuss your full-color custom t-shirt needs, and we'll work with you to bring your ideas to life!
By doing so, YOU help to rock rescue in the process! Win-win, all around!!